Veterinary Behavior Consultations, PC

1446 Brevard Rd. Suite 103
Asheville, NC 28806



Vet-to-Vet Consultations


Would you like help with a case? Dr. Lindell offers telehealth appointments to help you manage your case from start to finish. These one-on-one telephone calls take only about 30 – 45 minutes out of your day.

There are two options for you to consider prior to your consultation. The first option, which is the one that Dr. Lindell recommends, is for you to have your client complete a behavioral history form for you. You would then email that information, along with relevant medical records, to us for Dr. Lindell to review prior to the appointment. Standardized behavioral history forms are available for downloading from our website. If there are extensive materials for review, these should be submitted at least 72 hours prior to your consultation. Short video recordings can usually be reviewed during your telephone call if your client has any to send--they are not necessary and for sure they should not put any person or pet in harm's way!

A second option that is available is to discuss the case entirely during the session without sending any prior paperwork. We do need to limit the calls to 45 minutes so having the paperwork ahead of time can be helpful.

Dr. Lindell will help you design a list of differential and definitive diagnoses and will discuss the overall prognosis. She will discuss treatment strategies including behavior modification and medication, but you will not receive a written report and you will assume responsibility for prescribing as well as for preparing a treatment plan to discuss with your client.

To schedule your telehealth appointment, please email us.